November 6, 2001

From:"Daniel Straub" <>
The Uniform Crime Report for the year 2000 has been released by the
Federal Bureau of
Investigation.  A complete copy of this report can be obtained from
their web page at

Nearly 1.2 million motor vehicle thefts are estimated to have occurred
in 2000, a 1.2-percent increase from the 1999 estimate and the first
such increase since 1990. Collectively, the Nation's cities had a
1.4-percent increase in motor vehicle thefts. Motor vehicle theft also
increased 2.9 percent in the country's suburban counties and 1.6 percent
in the rural counties.  During 2000, the value of stolen vehicles was
estimated at close to $7.8 billion. The average value of a stolen motor
vehicle was $6,682. The recovery rate of stolen motor vehicles, 62.2
percent, was higher than for any other property type.  Automobiles
comprised 74.5 percent of all motor vehicle theft offenses, trucks and
buses accounted for 18.7 percent of the vehicle thefts, and the
remainder included other type vehicles.
Jim Holmes

3900 Nebraska, F&V, 10/20, 2130, sidewalk
3800 Huntington, Attempt, 10/21, 2050, sidewalk (closed)
4800 Massachusetts, Attempt, 10/19, 1238, bank
4600 Butterworth, 10/19, 1930, house
4400 39th, 10/16, 1200, house
4500 38th, 10/20, 1530, house
4600 Wisconsin, 10/11, 0300, bar
4700 Asbury, 10/5, 0930, house
3700 Yuma, 10/18, 0750, house
THEFT - 12 (3 closed)
STOLEN AUTO - 7  (three were Attempts)
SIMPLE ASSAULT - 5 (2 closed)
5200 Western, 9/21 and  10/11, 1435, department store (closed)
4600 Alton, 10/25, 1700, house

Total --  41


**** Second District Police (2D) Citizens Advisory Council -- Wednesday,
November 7 at 7:00 pm at 2D Headquarters, 3320 Idaho Avenue.

**** From: "Polly King" <>
Thursday, November 8, 2001,  7:30 PM, St. Mary's Armenian Apostolic
Church,             42nd & Fessenden Streets, NW
   2.ANC Business
        1.Open Forum - opportunity for members of the community to raise
issues of
          concern or importance to the 3E neighborhood.
        2.Presentation by 2nd District Police.
        3.Presentation of Fall 2001 Grant applications.
        4.Discussion of recent findings of arsenic in A.U. Park.
        5.Discussion of zoning variance for 4325 47th Street NW.
        6.Consideration of application for designation of Grant Road
Historic District.
        7.Presentation of proposal for Washington Clinic site by
Stonebridge Associates.
        8.Discussion of resolution opposing renewal of liquor license
for Roundtable
          Bar and Restaurant at 4859 Wisconsin Ave NW and authorizing
chair to
          represent ANC 3E before the ABC Board.

This is a fairly recent event that was reported in last week's Northwest
Current and will be discussed this Thursday at the ANC3E meeting.  Some
arsenic was found in a yard in the Fort Gaines area and there is a
question of whether any was deposited in what is now Turtle Park. The
last I heard the park has not yet been tested. Fort Gaines is the far
southeast corner of AU Park that includes Sedgwick, Springdale, Tindall,
Upton Streets.

From: (Amy Bauer)
I got a call a couple of days ago inquiring if I knew anything about a
new application for historic preservation on the firehouse.  I had heard
nothing but did some investigating and found out that another
application had been filed last week.  Apparently a woman named Sally
Burke has filed on behalf of the Capital Fire Museum, neither of which I
am able to track down.  The historic office gave me the names and a
phone number but I have not been able to get a call back.
I am still looking into it.

The project was scheduled to begin just after Thanksgiving since the
contract was being awarded to a bidder who came in at 2.8M - way below
the 3.4M budgeted.  However, in addition to this new application, there
is also a zoning problem requiring a variance.  The "expedited" hearing
date cannot be set until at least January.  The firehouse as it stands
now is oversized for the property and the proposed addition will make it
quite a bit better - hence, a variance is needed.

Most of this is just FYI, but if you have heard of Sally Burke or know
how I can reach her let me know.


From:  "Reilly, Kathleen" <>
Perhaps someone has already raised this, but some of us want BOTH our
old and new supercans and would not be in favor of a street-wide effort
to get the old ones picked up.

From: "Connie Grandmason" <>
I wondered if you are aware of any organization in the city who
recognizes or honors DC firefighters? It is no surprise that
post-September 11, I have a new appreciation for our home-town heroes
and wondered if I could do anything for the holidays (or year-round) to
let the folks in my local firehouse know how much we value and
appreciate them. Do they have a wish-list posted somewhere?

From: (Nancy)
Hi--I believe Rodman's has flu shots on Nov. 15th.

From: "Robert Hyman" <>
This morning I was informed of the new procedure for reporting illegally
parked cars to Parking Enforcement. You must now call 727-1000 and give
them the specific details color, type, location  and tag number of the
vehicle. They in turn send the information to Parking Enforcement, I
think real time, who responds. Parking Enforcement can no longer take
complaints directly.


**** From:  (Lesley Shneier)
Regarding your request for a reasonable tree service, I have found that
Woodacres does excellent work at very reasonable prices.  Telephone

**** From: Richard Bienvenue <>
The best & most reasonable tree man that I've used for many years [I
have a bunch of trees on a double lot and many friends & neighbors who
use him] is Tony Smith of "Smitty's Tree Service."  His number is
1-800-406-7147. He's insured and all that stuff, and his prices are

From: Anji Henderson <>
This link may be of interest to Community-E since it is not far at all..
October 24, 2001
Montgomery County Police want to warn citizens about a developing
pattern of daytime
residential burglaries that are most commonly occurring in the Chevy
Chase and Bethesda areas of  Montgomery County.

>From September 26th through October 19th there have been eight daytime
burglaries of unoccupied homes.  Access is gained though the forced
entry of doors and windows.  Jewelry, electronics equipment, and cameras
are the most common items taken.

At least two suspects have been seen going door-to-door checking to see
if a home is
occupied.  If someone answers the door, they say they are looking for
landscaping work. They appear  to be using this method only to confirm
that a home is unoccupied.  There have been no personal confrontations.

The following are locations of residential burglaries that have so far
matched this pattern:
8400 block of Donnybrook Drive,  6700 block of Western Avenue
3200 block of Turner Road, 3700 block of Shepherd Street
2700 block of East-West Highway, 7500 block of Brookville Road
2800 Block of Greenvale Street, 3400 block of Rolling Court
Montgomery County Police would like to ask citizens who see any
suspicious activity in their  neighborhoods, particularly involving men
asking for landscaping work, to call 301-279-8000.

From: "Cole, Michelle (COUNCIL)" <>
Office of Councilmember Kathy Patterson (Ward 3)
Suite 107
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20004
Phone:  (202)  724-8062        Fax:  (202) 724-8118

For further information, please contact:
Penny Pagano
Wednesday, October 31, 2001

This is the first issue of a new e-mail newsletter for Ward 3 residents.

Dear Ward 3 Constituents:

Here is what we know today related to the anthrax testing and Friendship
station post office:

The Friendship station was closed all day Tuesday, October 30, 2001,
after environmental testing found one trace of anthrax on a carrier case
on the second floor in a non-public part of the building. This is a
single trace found out of some 20 sites throughout the facility that
were tested. The building was decontaminated Monday night, and tested
again during the day Tuesday. If the follow-up tests are negative for
any additional traces of anthrax, the post office was scheduled to be
open today, October 31, 2001.

The testing at Friendship is part of testing ordered for all 48
facilities that serve Washington D.C.  The list of other post offices
that were "cleared" and those where tests are still pending is reported
in today's Washington Post, and was scheduled to be posted on the
District's website ( All other Ward 3 post offices were
negative for anthrax. Two others, of the 48, were positive - the
Southwest station that was closed last week, and a small facility at
Dulles, which was also closed Tuesday.

For those who have Internet access, there are websites that are useful.
These include the U.S. Postal Service website (click onto the mail
security flag) which is and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention website, at

Here are answers to some questions that are being asked.

Q. Who is being treated as a precaution?

A. Because of the contamination found at the Brentwood postal center -
and since all D.C. mail goes through Brentwood - every postal worker was
instructed to take 10 days of antibiotics as a precaution.  Those postal
workers whose workplace has tested positive since that time - Southwest,
Dulles, and Friendship - are also receiving 50 days of additional
antibiotics. Those who work at post offices that have tested negative
have been instructed by the USPS and the CDC to complete their 10-day
course then stop taking antibiotics. (You may have seen Mayor Williams
being described as among this group - he and his mother visited two post
offices that have been tested negative for anthrax, and he expressed his
delight yesterday at stopping the antibiotic!).

The same advice has been given by the CDC and USPS to other government
mail handlers and those in the private sector who receive their bulk
mail from Brentwood: anyone who sorts mail from Brentwood for delivery
in a private office should be treated to 10 days of antibiotics as a
precaution, and those individuals have also been able to receive
doxicycline at D.C. General Hospital.  The CDC is expected to publish
further guidance today or  tomorrow for private businesses in this
category as to whether they should test their own mail rooms and/or
advise employees to take any antibiotics beyond the 10-day supply
provided at D.C. General Hospital.

Q. If I have been in Friendship in the last week should I be concerned?

A.  The CDC spokesman at the Mayor's press briefing yesterday - Dr.
Patrick J. Meehan, director of emergency environmental services - said
no. Only a trace was found and it was found in a non-public part of the
facility. Dr. Meehan did say, as reported in the press, that we will
never be able to assure 100% safety of the U.S. mail but should consider
that risk as we consider other risks - the risk of food contamination
when eating in restaurants or the risk of highway crashes when driving.
He indicated that there would be "essentially no risk" that delivered
mail would contain enough spores for individuals to contract the deadly
form of inhalation anthrax. Dr. Meehan also said that a letter which
contained a few spores would pose only a "remote possibility" for
contracting cutaneous-type anthrax, which he added is highly treatable
with antibiotics. The "public" portions of the Brentwood facility are
being tested at the D.C.
government's insistence because of the airborne anthrax known to have
been there, and the widespread contamination at that large facility,
according to Health Director Dr. Ivan Walks. But the same protocol does
not apply to the other, smaller facilities where only traces have been

Q.  If I receive mail from Friendship should I be concerned?

A. Again, Dr. Meehan said no - but with the understanding that we should
all be careful to look for suspicious mail, with no return address, or
suspicious return addresses. He continued to advise washing hands after
handling mail to avoid even the remote possibility of contamination.

Q. Will mail facilities be re-tested on a regular basis?

A. This question was raised at the Mayor's press conference Tuesday,
October 30, 2001, and the CDC and USPS representatives noted that
ongoing policies are still being developed. Dr. Meehan said it would be
desirable, but perhaps not practical or affordable, to sanitize all mail
all the time, as is being done on a one-time basis with all D.C. mail
that was in the Brentwood facility when it was closed. The government
representatives said the issue of routine testing - as we test food
routinely for safety and quality - may become the norm but that policy
has not been developed yet.

Q. What do I do if I receive a piece of mail that looks suspicious?

A.  The advice from health officials is to isolate the piece of mail,
cover it with something like a piece of paper, wash your hands in hot
water and soap and call the police. The CDC does not recommend
microwaving or bleaching mail at home.
