Index of Resolutions, Letters and Documents

2000 - 2006

January 10, 2000

Res 00-01 Public Space Management of Excavation Work
Res 00-02 Construction of house at 4512 28th Street, N.W.
Res 00-03 Traffic Congestion on Connecticut Avenue
Res 00-04 Endorsement of Ann M. Renshaw for BZA
Res 00-05 Custody of Computer

February 14, 2000

Res 00-06 Joint Meeting with ANC 3E re: 3901 Albemarle Street
Res 00-07 Endorse the Coalition for DC Representation in Congress
Res 00-08 Participation in ANC Security Fund
Ltr 00-01 Van Ness Giant
Ltr 00-02 Potomac Foods Special Exceptions
Ltr 00-03 Retail Service Station Amendment Act of 1999

March 13, 2000

Res 00-09 Exxon Station at Connecticut and Nebraska Avenues
Res 00-10 Fire and Emergency Medical Service Department Budget
Res 00-11 UDC Budget
Res 00-12 Supplemental Resolution Regarding Custody of ANC 3F Computer
Ltr 00-04 Permit Application for 3009 Albemarle Street
Ltr 00-05 3901 Albemarle Street
Ltr 00-06 4900 Connecticut Avenue - Land swap agreement

April 17, 2000

Doc 00-01 Neighborly Agreement - Exxon Connecticut and Nebraska Avenues May 15, 2000
Res 00-13 Howard University West Campus Plan
Res 00-14 EIS for 3883 Connecticut Avenue

June 19, 2000

Res 00-15 Metro Canopies

July 17, 2000

Res 00-16 Reconstruction of Broad Branch Road
Res 00-17 Albemarle Street center line
Res 00-18 Traffic controls - Forest Hills Playground
Res 00-19 Requesting Show Cause Hearing - Van Ness Station
Ltr 00-07 Storm water bioremediation demonstration project

August 21, 2000

Res 00-20 The preservation of Holt House
Res 00-21 BZA Application No. 16611 - 4101 and 4103 Connecticut Avenue and 2969 Upton Street, N.W.

September 18, 2000

Res 00-22 Opposing approval of a Planned Development for property on north side of Albemarle Street and west of Nebraska Avenue, N.W. - Zoning Commission Case No. 00-03C

October 16, 2000

Res 00-23 Memorializing the Late Aaron Goldman
Res 00-24 Opposing BZA Approval of Application No. 16611 Edmund Burke School
Res 00-25 Supplemental Resolution Concerning Zoning Commission Case No. 00-03 (3901 Albemarle Street, N.W.)
Res 00-26 Commending the Williams Administration for Stopping Construction of Telecommunications Tower at 4623 41st Street, N.W.

November 20, 2000

Res 00-27 Second Supplemental Resolution Regarding Custody of ANC3F Computer
Res 00-28 Custody of ANC3F Printer

January 16, 2001

Res 01-01 Brandywine Street Rumble Strips
Res 01-02 Accessory Parking Lot 4418-4420 Connecticut Avenue - BZA No. 16659
Res 01-03 Opposing Burke School’s Revised Expansion Plan
Res 01-04 Supplemental Resolution Regarding Custody of Computer and Printer
Ltr 01-01 Parking Restrictions - 4200 Linnean Avenue

February 20, 2001

Res 01-05 Participation in the Advisory Neighborhood Commission Security Fund

April 16, 2001

Rpt 01-01 Report to Commission of Fine Arts - 2800 Davenport Street
Res 01-06 Owl’s Nest, 3031 Gates Road, Application for Historic Landmark Designation and Raze Permit
Res 01-07 Installation of Traffic Light at Nebraska Avenue and Chesapeake Street

April 23, 2001

Res 01-08 Opposing BZA Approval of Edmund Burke School Application
Res 01-09 Application for Raze Permit for 2969 Upton Street
Res 01-10 Petition for Redress of Grievances against DCRA for Denying Notice of Raze Permit Applications

May 21, 2001

Res 01-11 Requesting installation of traffic light at Tenleytown Fire House
Res 01-12 No objection to Hillwood Museum application for a DR liquor license

June 18, 2001

Res 01-13 No test closing of sections of Beach Drive in Rock Creek Park
Res 01-14 Supporting a test of the Edmond Burke School revised Traffic Management Plan
Res 01-15 Requesting denial of raze permit for the Owl’s Nest, 3031 Gates Road

July 9, 2001

Res 01-16 Concerning Zoning Commission Case No. 00-03, 3901 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Res 01-17 Concerning Zoning Commission Case No. 01-10TA, maximum lot occupancy

July 30, 2001

Res 01-18 In support of Washington Home’s application for Certificate of Need for four additional hospice beds
Ltr 01-02 Proposed enhancements and alternations to Forest Hills Playground

September 10, 2001

Res 01-19 In support of BZA Appeal No. 16764 - 2944 Chesapeake Street, N.W.
Res 01-20 Regarding redistricting of ANCs and SMDs

October 15, 2001

Res 01-21 Supplemental resolution in support of BZA Appeal No. 16742 2944 Chesapeake Street, N.W.
Res 01-22 Not objecting to the concept of altering the landmarked property at 4500 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. by adding four floors of housing
Res 01-23 Opposing issuance of supplemental razing operations permit for 3031 Gates Road, N.W.
Res 01-24 Continuing expenditures for FY 2002

November 19, 2001

Res 01-25 Designation of the 4400, 4500 and 4600 blocks of Grant Road, N.W., as a historic district
Ltr 01-03 Public space permit, 2800 Davenport Street, N.W.

January 14, 2002

Res 02-01 Regarding participation in the ANC Security Fund
Res 02-02 Supporting “Do Not Block Intersection” signs on Reno Road at Veazy Street, N.W.
Res 02-03 Supporting “No Thru Truck” signs on Veazey Street, N.W.
Res 02-04 Reissuance of ABC license for Clover Market
Rpt 02-01 Ward 3 Traffic Summit
Doc 02-01 Special election procedures to fill vacancy in ANC 3f07

February 19, 2002

Res 02-05 Requesting BOEE to declare the vacancy in SMD 3F07 filled
Res 02-06 Continuing violations of Howard University West Campus Plan
Res 02-07 Requesting the BZA to uphold the decision of the ALJ in the Kuri Bro. Case, Civil Infraction Appeal case No. 99-OAD-1821E
Res 02-08 Urging HPRB approval of agreed design for exterior of Tenley Fire House

March 18, 2002

Res 02-09 Regarding the Washington Home’s application to the BZA for a special exception (Case No. 16836)
Res 02-10 Regarding 4500 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. (Sears/Hechinger’s Building)application to the BZA (Application No. 16857)
Res 02-11 Requesting ALL-WAY stop signs at Yuma and 35th Streets, N.W.
Res 02-12 Endorsing installation of sidewalks in the 3400 block of Yuma Street, N.W.
Res 02-13 Requesting that DDOT determine the appropriate turning restrictions for westbound Upton Street traffic at Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Res 02-14 Requesting “No Standing” signs in the 4400 block of Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

April 15, 2002

Res 02-15 Regarding Intelsat’s request for a public space permit at 3007 Tilden Street, N.W.
Res 02-16 Regarding BZA application for an accessory apartment at 3633 Ellicott Street, N.W.
Res 02-17 Regarding ABRA application No. 10171, Uptown Cathay, 5016Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Ltr 02-01 Regarding authorization to rescind covenant pertaining to 4500 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Ltr 02-02 Zoning Commission Case No. 02-19, Set down of Forest Hills Tree and Slope Protection Overlay

April 29, 2002

Res 02-20 Requesting traffic calming measurers around Sheridan School
Res 02-21 ABRA application No. 50179, Sodexho at Intelsat
Res 02-22 ABRA application No. 10171, The Hillwood Museum
Res 02-23 Application to DCRA for construction permits for 2900 and 2902 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Res 02-24 Raze permit for 2900 Albemarle Street, N.W.

May 20, 2002

Res 02-25 Public space rental for Delhi Dhaba

June 17, 2002

Res 02-26 Washington Home’s application to BZA for special exception Case No. 16836
Res 02-27 Recommending Zoning Commission of FHT&SPO, Case No. ZC 02-19
Res 02-28 Public space permit for driveway at 2900 Albemarle Street, N.W.

September 17, 2002

Res 02-29 Public space permit for 2900 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Res 02-30 BZA Application No. 16925, 3558 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Res 02-31 Levine School, HPRB, Application No 02-481 - air handlers
Res 02-32 Construction permit for 5105 Linnean Avenue, N.W.
Res 02-33 Authorization of budget amendment
Res 02-34 Continuing expenditures at current levels until FY 2003 budget approval

October 7, 2002

Res 02-35 Amendment of ANC3F Bylaws to change name
Ltr 02-03 CFA concept review for 2800 Chesterfield Place, N.W.

October 21, 2002

Res 02-36 Appeal to the BZA Re: Revocation of Kuri Brothers Certificate of Occupancy, Case No. 16947
Ltr 02-04 DDOT re Capital Programs

November 18, 2002

Res 02-37 Proposed subdivision and new construction at the Owl’s Nest
Res 02-38 Supporting appeal of Brendan Herron before BAR regarding 2900 & 2902 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Res 02-39 Washington Home’s application to BZA, Case No. 16836
Ltr 02-05 DDOT re traffic calming2800 & 2900 blocks of Davenport Street, N.W.

December 16, 2002

Ltr 02-06 Transmitting ANC3F Res 02-38 regarding 2900 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Res 02-40 Supporting appeal to BZA regarding 2900 and 2902 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Res 02-41 Commissioners to represent ANC in BZA appeal

January 13, 2003

Res 03-01 Approving participation in the ANC Security Fund
Res 03-02 Regarding ANC3F’s bank account
Res 03-03 Public space application for sidewalk café, Chipotle Restaurant
Ltr 03-01 CFA concept review, 2800 Chesterfield Place, N.W.

February 10, 2003

Res 03-04 Regarding FH/TSPO
Ltr 03-02 Letter to ABC Board regarding NOPR at 49 DCR 10827 (Nov. 29, 2002)
Ltr 03-03 Letter to DCRA Director Clark asking for reversal of subdivision at 2800 Chesterfield Place

March 17, 2003

Res 03-05 Memorandum of Understanding Between DCFEMS and BCCRS
Res 03-06 Public Space Permit, 3007 Tilden Street, N.W.
Doc 03-01 Vesting and set down provisions of the Zoning Regulations
Doc 03-02 Washington Home, BZA Case No. 16836

April 21, 2003

Res 03-07 Rebuilding the Tenley-Friendship Branch Library

May 19, 2003

Res 03-08 Rock Creek Park - draft General Management Plan
Res 03-09 Fort Circle Parks - Draft Management Plan
Res 03-10 Van Ness Liquors - Application No. 74
Res 03-11 Calvert-Woodley Wine & Liquor Store - Application No. 11907
Res 03-12 Sheffield Wine & Liquors - Application No. 50188
Res 03-13 Tenley Wine & Liquors - Application No. 30587
Res 03-14 Reaffirmation of request for traffic light at Tenleytown Fire House
Res 03-15 Establishing ANC savings account
Res 03-16 Retaining a zoning attorney regarding Burke School BZA application

July 1, 2003

Res 03-17 Adopting Report on Edmund Burke School BZA application
Rept 03-01 Edmund Burke School BZA application

September 15, 2003

Ltr 03-04 Removal of street trees at 2845 Chesterfield Place, N.W.
Ltr 03-05 Curb cut at 2800 Chesterfield Place, N.W.
Res 03-18 Adopting Report on Sheridan School BZA application
Res 03-19 Proposed rest closure of Beach Drive
Rpt 03-02 Sheridan School BZA application
Doc 03-03 Motion to establish Party Status of ANC3F in ZC Case No. 03-27 PUD (Babe’s Billiards)

September 29, 2003

Res 03-20 Recommending rejection of the revised parking plan of The Washington Home, BZA Case No. 16836

October 20, 2003

Res 03-21 Non-objection to revised Proposed Conditions in Sheridan School BZA Application No. 16977
Res 03-22 Clover Market - Application No. 5398
Ltr 03-06 Tree in public space at 2800 Chesterfield Place, N.W.
Ltr 03-07 Requesting 90 day period to comment on draft 0pper Wisconsin Avenue, Corridor Study

November 17, 2003

Res 03-23 Objection to existing pay phone in public space at 4339 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Ltr 03-08 Public space permit for Trattoria Liliana, 4483 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Ltr 03-09 Pedestrian safety measures at Connecticut Avenue and Windom Place, N.W.
Ltr 03-10 Requesting "No Double Parking" signs at Veazy Street and Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Ltr 03-11 MPD letter to BZA regarding Edmund Burke School
Ltr 03-12 To BZA regarding use of Howard University playing fields by Edmund Burke School
Ltr 03-13 Tenley Mini-Mart - Application No. 21283
Ltr 03-14 Membership of D.C. Building Code Advisory Committee

December 15, 2003

Res 03-24 Supporting petition for permanent curbs and gutters in 3200-3300 blocks of Fessenden Street, N.W.
Res 03-25 Pay phone in public space at 4215-A Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Res 03-26 Pay phone in public space at 5031 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Ltr 03-15 Protesting ABC license for CVS, 5011 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

January 12, 2004

Res 04-01 Approving participation in ANC security fund
Res 04-02 ANC3F's bank accounts
Res 04-03 Jenny Waelder Hall Center for Children's child development center/nursery school BZA application
Res 04-04 Upper Wisconsin Avenue Corridor Study Strategic Framework Plan
Res 04-05 Traffic calming measures for Upton Street and traffic study of nearby streets

February 9, 2004

Doc 04-01 Public space application - 2805 Chesterfield Place, N.W.
Res 04-06 Installation of a sidewalk on east side of the 4400 and 4500 blocks of Reno Road
Res 04-07 Supplemental resolution regarding Upper Wisconsin Avenue Corridor Study Strategic Framework Plan
Res 04-08 Transfer of monies to ANC3F savings account

March 15, 2004

Ltr 04-01 Proposed PSA boundaries in ANC3F
Res 04-09 The Washington Home revised plan
Res 04-10 Pay phone at 4300 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Res 04-11 Public Service Commission rulemaking on pay phones
Ltr 04-02 Road upgrading for 2004

April 19, 2004

Res 04-12 Request for ANC review of proposed ball parks at Fort Reno
Res 04-13 Historic landmark designation of firehouses
Res 04-14 Installation of a sidewalk on the east side of the 4400 blocks of 36th Street
Res 04-15 Removal of lead service lines
Ltr 04-03 Supporting Sidwell Friends School's request for a continuance

May 17, 2004

Res 04-16 Withdrawn June 2, 2004, see Res 04-19
Res 04-17 Red light camera at Connecticut and Nebraska Avenues
Res 04-18 Pedestrian bridge at Edmund Burke School
Doc 04-02 Motion for party status, Sidwell Friends School BZA application No. 17149
Doc 04-03 No Objection to public space permit for driveway at 3025 Gates Road
Doc 04-04 No Objection to public space permit for driveway at 3060 Grant Road

June 2, 2004

Res 04-19 BZA Application No. 17149, The Sidwell Friends School

June 21, 2004

Res 04-20 Proposed new "Alternative D-1" to Rock Creek Park draft General Management Plan
Res 04-21 The development and Maintenance of ball fields at Fort Reno National Park
Ltr 04-04 Public space applications for Il Tesoro and Buck's Fishing and Camping Restaurant

July 19, 2004

Doc 04-05 Report on Office of Planning's Final Report (July 12, 2004) on FHTSOD
Res 04-22 Alley between Veazey Terrace and Van Ness Street, N.W.
Res 04-23 Public space permit application for Il Tesoro
Ltr 04-05 No Parking/Standing signs at Murch Elementary School

August 2, 2004

Res 04-24 Supplementing Res 04-05 traffic calming 3800-3800 blocks of Upton Street.

September 20, 2004

Res 04-25 Burger King parking lot behind 4422 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., BZA application No. 17200
Res 04-26 Requesting repairs at Wilson High School
Res 04-27 4600 Brandywine Associates, LLC, Zoning Case No. 03-27

October 18, 2004

Res 04-28 Not objecting to the final concept plan for ball fields at Fort Reno National Park
Res 04-29 BZA Application # 17226, ZIPS Cleaners, 4418 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Res 04-30 Transfer of ANC funds from checking to savings account
Res 04-31 Purchase of replacement equipment for ANC office
Doc 04-06 Recommendations to the Zoning Advisory Committee

November 15, 2004

Res 04-32 Opposing BZA application No. 17251 3715 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Res 04-33 Urging traffic improvements on Van Ness Street in vicinity of exit of UDC parking garage
Res 04-34 Not objecting to sidewalk café in public space at Neisha Thai restaurant, 4445 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.

January 10, 2004

Res 05-01 Urging timely notification to ANCs by DPR prior to certain Actions affecting facilities under DPR control
Res 05-02 Approving ANC3F's participation in the ANC Security Fund
Res 05-03 Regarding the ANC's bank accounts

January 17, 2005

Res 05-04 Resolution honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.
Res 05-05 No objection to application of Hillwood Museum and Gardens BZA Application No. 17229

February 22, 2005

Ltr 05-01 ANC3F representative on DC Building Code Advisory Committee

March 21, 2005

Res 05-06 Recommending refinements to DDOT's plans to reconstruct Tenley Circle
Res 05-07 Supporting parking space variance at 2846 Davenport Street, N.W. BZA Application No. 17293

April 18, 2005

Res 05-08 Supporting petition for permanent curbs and gutters and sidewalk improvements in the 5000-5100 blocks of 34th Street, N.W.
Res 05-09 Supporting traffic calming measurers for the 5100 blocks of 33rd Street and Linnean Terrace and 5000-5100 blocks of 34th Street, N.W.
Res 05-10 "Stash Your Cash" piggybank sculpture at Van Ness Metro
Res 05-11 Supporting traffic calming measurers for the 2800/2900 block of Davenport Street, N.W.
Res 05-12 Authorize Treasurer to purchase Metro Smartrip Cards for official use of Commissioners
Ltr 05-02 Comments on DDOT's proposed public space permit reform
Ltr 05-03 Objection to public space permit for driveway at 3535 Alton Place, N.W.

May 16, 2005

Res 05-13 Opposing the change in ABRA licenses 60343, application 50129 for Guest Services Company T/A Hillwood Museum
Res 05-14 Opposing petition for the installation of sidewalks in Forest Hills
Res 05-15 Supporting petition for permanent curbs and gutters, sidewalk improvements and resurfacing the roadway in the 5100 block of Linnean Terrace, N.W.

June 20, 2005

Res 05-16 Supporting petition for permanent curbs and gutters in the 3200, 3300 and 3400 blocks of Broad Branch Terrace, N.W.
Doc 05-01 Proposed changes to DDOT's Road and Alley Projects in ANC 3F06 Attachment (list of proposed changes)
Ltr 05-04 Protest to DDOT concerning Wisconsin Avenue Transportation Study

July 25, 2005

Res 05-17 Regarding application HPA #05-382 to HPRB regarding the Owl's Nest
Res 05-18 Approving a grant for two benches at Woodrow Wilson High School
Doc 05-02 Comments on the Wisconsin Avenue Corridor Study

September 19, 2005

Res 05-19 Supporting petition for permanent curbs and gutters and resurfacing the roadway in the 4500 block of 31st Street, N.W.
Ltr 05-05 Public space planters at ZIPS, 4418 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Ltr 05-06 Observations, requests and recommendations regarding Fort Reno
Ltr 05-07 Protest of ABRA license application, Traittoria Lilliana, 4483 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

October 17, 2005

Res 05-20 Traffic Calming Measures for the 2800/2900 block of Davenport Street, N.W.
Res 05-21 Supporting the revised concept/addition plans for the Owl's Nest, 3031 Gates Road, N.W.

November 21, 2005

Ltr 05-08 No objection to Tenley Mini Market ABC license renewal
Ltr 05-09 Public Space Permitting Division regarding application for 3633 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Res 05-22 Urging DPR to modify the construction plans for ball fields at Fort Reno National Park

January 9, 2006

Res 06-01 Affirming Changes to the Draft Land Use Map
Res 06-02 Regarding the final General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement, Rock Creek Park and the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway
Res 06-03 Regarding the ANC's bank accounts
Res 06-04 Approving participation in the Advisory Neighborhood Commission Security Fund
Ltr 06-01 To Office of Planning with list of "Building Heights along Connecticut Avenue in ANC 3F"
Ltr 06-02 Driveway cut at 3633 Albemarle Street, N.W.

February 13, 2006

Ltr 06-03 Support of use of the Forest Hills Playground for a Family Day event on May 7, 2006
Ltr 06-04 Support of request of federal funds for the restoration of Peirce Mill
Res 06-05 Requesting changes in the draft Comprehensive Plan Generalization Land Use Policy Map

March 13, 2006

Res 06-06 Traffic calming measurers on the 3600-3800 blocks of Upton Street, N.W.
Res 06-07 FMBZA Application No. 17481, The Republic of Hungary, 3900 Shoemaker Street, N.W. and 2950 Linnean Avenue, N.W.
Ltr 06-05 To Office of the Attorney General requesting an opinion on grants that may be duplicative of services performed by the District government.

April 10, 2006

Res 06-08 Concerning DC Council Bill 16-457, “Rental Control Reform Amendment Act of 2006"
Res 06-09 Appeal to the BZA, Case No. 17444, Revocation of Kuri Brothers Certificate of Occupancy
Res 06-10 Opposing proposed closing of a portion of a public alley in Square 2250 - S.O. 06- 8516, 2750 Brandywine Street, N.W.
Res 06-11 Application to occupy public space for existing over height fence at 2934 Fessenden Street, N.W., #18182

May 15, 2006

Res 06-12 Renewal and substantial change of Class A liquor license for Van Ness Liquors, 4201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Res 06-13 Renewal of Class A liquor license for Calvert Woodley Wine & Liquor, 4339 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. and Attachment
Res 06-14 Renewal of Class A liquor license for Tenley Wine & Liquors, 4525 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Res 06-15 Objection to issuance of a new Class B liquor license to Giant Food Store #382, 4303 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

May 24, 2006

Res 06-16 Renewal of Class A liquor license for Sheffield Wine and Liquor, 5025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Res 06-17 Opposing the application for a Planned Unit Development and Zoning Map Amendment at 2950 Tilden Street, N.W., ZC Case 05-26 with attachment
Res 06-18 Objecting to applicants Request to Modify Application in ZC Case 05-26, 2950 Tilden Street, N.W.

June 19, 2006

Res 06-19 Not objecting to issuance of Class "CR" liquor license to Big Cheese, LLC
Res 06-20 Supporting the application for a certificate of need for a MinuteClinic at CVS, 4555 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Res 06-21 Requesting more time for the community to review and comment on the draft DC Comprehensive Plan

July 20, 2006

Ltr 06-06 Support of reinstating Andrew Solberg as Acting Commander of the Second District, Metropolitan Police Department
Res 06-22 Substantial change (extended hours) to the liquor license for Clover Market, 5014 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Res 06-23 Opposing the application for a planed unit development and zoning map amendment at 2950 Tilden Street, N.W., ZC Case 05-26
Ltr 06-07 Transmitting documents to Zoning Commission in Case 05-26, PUD at 2950 Tilden Street, N.W.

September 18, 2006

Res 06-24 Supporting the revised concept/addition plan for the Owl’s Nest, 3031 Gates Road, N.W.
Res 06-25 Special Exception for continued use of a parking lot off an alley behind 4418-20 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Res 06-26 Supporting residential permit parking for the south side of the 3700 and 3800 blocks of Upton Street, N.W.
Res 06-27 Coats of Arms restaurant liquor license application

October 16, 2006

Ltr 06-09   Opposing petition for two speed humps in the 3600 block of Upton Street, N.W.
Doc 06-02 No objection to public space application for relocation of driveway, new retaining wall and lead walk at 2935 Albemarle Street, N.W.
Doc 06-03 No objection to public space application for new driveway at 2807 Chesterfield Place, N.W.

November 20, 2006

Ltr 06-10  Coat of Arms liquor license
Res 06-28 Zoning Commission Case No. 06-37 to zone DC property on the north side of the 4000 block of Chesapeake Street, N.W.
Ltr 06-11  Request for investigation by the Board of Elections and Ethics of failure to provide sufficient paper ballots at Precinct 33 for SMD 3F06 for general election on November 7, 2006
Res 06-29 Supporting DC Bill 16-912, “Protection from Eminent Domain Act of 2006"
Ltr 06-12  Requesting status as an affected ANC in Zoning Case No. 06-37